Thursday, September 09, 2004

"This will be my new favorite movie"

It always makes me leery when I hear people voice concrete statements about what they will and will not do in the future.

A few years ago, before Memento came out, I was talking to this guy (let's call him Justin) who had determined that this film would be his new favorite film. It wasn't slated to be released for a number of weeks, but he was still positive that he would love it. I thought it was just a fluke from that one conversation, but the more he talked about it in the days I spent around him, the more he stated just how much he would love Memento. Memento came out and I never heard him speak of the film again, which indicates to me that he wasn't terribly impressed.

Jason & I were at lunch the other day, and he stated that he's decided to sell out in the future and go corporate/large firm. When I heard that, all I could think about is Memento. Will making statements like that jinx me in the future? I'm fairly certain that I won't do corporate law, but will stating it as a matter of fact doom me to the hardwork/nopay lifestyle of public service law? Do I want to be a corporate lawyer? Is money my main reason for being in law school?

I'm supposed to see Garden State tomorrow night. I've really really wanted to see Garden State for a few weeks. I really really want this to be a favorite movie of mine, but I'm afraid to even guess if I'll enjoy it or not. It feels like I'm putting a curse on it by proclaiming that I will adore the film. Why do I have so much apprehension about predetermining my favorite movie, when I already feel so certain I won't pursue a career in corporate law? Movies must be more important than career. Yes. Movies are more important than career.

I will love Garden State. I will not love the career path of corporate lawyerin'.
I will love Corporate Lawyerin': The Movie. I will not live in the "Garden State."

I wrote this entire entry whilst balancing on just two chair legs. Jawsome.


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