Friday, September 17, 2004

The Shaggs Reunion Tour

Everyone in this building seems absolutely insane at times.

[Granted, I understand that people have dramatically different views than mine, but when hear them espouse ultra-conservative viewpoints as "fact," something drops in the pit of my stomach.]

We were in Torts today, debating the use of deadly force to defend property. One guy made this comment with no hesitation or reservation of thought ~ "I should be able to use any amount of force necessary to defend my property." I was said with such cynicism and lack of consideration for human life that it scrambled my brain. Any amount of force? How can someone so readily value property over another individual's life? Property is property, man. Ahhhh!!!!

This classroom discussion just didn't stop there, it kept going and rotating and growing into a horrible monster of hypotheticals that eventually led Texas Tom (talking himself into a corner? maybe? hilarious joke?) to say that even a 4-year-old child who breaks into a house is responsible for being killed by a shotgun rigged to go off if one opens the door.

Goo. I walked outside to take a break after class and almost didn't stop. I know that these people are (mostly) good people. I know that the purpose of the classroom debate was for us to swing from the extremes and open up a plethora of possibilities.

I know.

I know.

I know.

It just made me want to scream.

Time to read read read and never really grasp what the hell I'm supposed to understand. But I continue reading.


Raymond J. Johnson Jr.

But you can call me Ray or you can call me Jay or you can call me Johnny or you can call me RJ or you can call me RJJ But you don't have to call me Johnson


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