Sunday, November 05, 2006

Retarded kitten? Hermaphrodite cat?

After witnessing Thunderdome pull a double flip in the air and land with a THUD on her back today... for the third time in less than 5 minutes... I began to wonder... is my kitten retarded?

Indicators that My Kitten is Mentally Handicapped:

1) She frequently scratches peeling paint off of the door frames, then eats the paint chips.
2) She licks and chews on the toilet brush in the bathroom
3) She falls off of window sills and lands on her back
5) She smokes meth with her deadbeat, good-for-nothin' neighborhood hoodlum kitten friends
6) Her name is Thunderdome
7) Did I mention that she eats paint chips?

In researching Thunderdome's ever-changing eye color today, I stumbled upon a whole bunch of research telling me that Dr. Baby either has Klinefelter Syndrome (meaning that he has an extra X chromosome) or is a chimera (the mutant freak produced when a female egg fuses with a male egg in the womb). Check it out! I wasn't aware that male tortoiseshell cats are very rare. He happens to be a male tortoiseshell cat (I don't think he's just a somatic mosaic, because his base color is black). The person who bred Dr. Baby told me that "he" was a "she" when I first adopted him. Seems to make sense now. He should've been a she.

Who knew that Dr. Baby might be an LGBT cat?! Ah well, just more evidence that the gay agenda is alive and well in my apartment....


Blogger Katy said...

Yeah male Torties and Calicos are very rare. sex-linked traits are so neat and genetics give me a hard-on.

1:43 PM, November 06, 2006  
Blogger Erin said...

I think you are ignoring the fact that you could exploit this situation for financial gain.

2:27 PM, November 07, 2006  
Blogger Julia said...

Chris forgets that he also likes his "women" to be under 3 months old and avid eaters of paint chips.


Erin forgets that we're planning that photo shoot starring Dr. Baby in a Fidel Castro beard and a frilly, naughty bikini.

Why? Because that's what transgendered cats gotta do to get by.

3:14 PM, November 07, 2006  
Blogger Fawn Elaine said...

what would happen if two hermaphrodite calicos bred?

7:42 PM, October 06, 2021  

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