Tuesday, December 07, 2004

It's Official...

I'm hot. Today is declared "Julia: Legend of Total Hotness Day." Don't you forget that. Put it in your re-written public school textbooks.. right next to the abstinence-only sex education and your "Creationism" "Equal Time" bullshit "jesus science."

I lifted lots of weights.
I drank lots of wine.
I sobered up and here I sit.
All hotty hot and fine.

I think that Joe the Personal Trainer is proud of Ryan and I. We're awesome. We look good. i can run up a flight of stairs without passing out. Ryan, however, is passed out right now. He seems to be "asleep." No sex for me when me needs the sex.

A Civ Pro final awaits me in a number of hours. Damn this life. The hotty hot needs her sleep.

-Slagatha Christie-

like, solvin' mysteries and shit


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should get home before two-thirty-in-the-fucking-ey-emm. jesus, can't a man sleep AT NIGHT WHEN HE IS SUPPOSED TO?

9:29 PM, December 08, 2004  

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