Monday, June 26, 2006

Keepin' up with the Klan

I been gone for a minute now I'm back at the jump off...

How's it hangin' broheims? Did you miss me? Naw. I didn't think so -- seeing as how I "rescued" you from a snowstorm, only to end up breaking your ankles with a sledgehammer. THERE, LOOK THERE, NOW SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!

Oh! I've also just finished watching a documentary on the tee-vee. A&E apparently abandoned its strict policy of only airing "Biography: Billy Crystal" in order to suck us into the intellectual realm of those noble Klansmen. While I still can't wrap my mind around their awesomely stupid agenda, after watching two full hours of Klan members in their natural Klan environment I think it's safe to say that crystal meth is an epidemic sweeping the Southern hate community. I only hope that their primary goal (according to the documentary, the Klan is still all about Hating) won't be ruined by the scourge of crystal meth. Wait a minute... does this mean that crystal meth has its benefits?

I'm officially calling for the Klan to embrace crystal meth as their drug of choice.

It's the only way to fight back.

With drugs!

We're finally in the last week of Pretrial Lit. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's still dimmed by depositions and discovery answers and me curled fetal position atop a nest of toilet paper I've piled in the corner of the handicapped stall of the women's restroom. Ahhhh... summertime....


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