Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Garlik Bredzzz is in das ovenzzzz!!!

1 minute until garlic bread. I'm on my laptop. Ryan is sitting next to me on his laptop. It's a Wednesday. Santino Rice didn't get cut tonight. Hiiighhlarious. Gotta love that Drama with a capital "D."

I was doing a mini-marathon read of Crim Pro tonight. The court kept flipping back and forth and nitpicking and flipping around over warrantless automobile searches. A few cases in to the reading, I realize that the entire Auto Exception to the 4th Amendment is basically being determined by the Justices' personal preferences and nothing more. They're using the exact same language from the exact same cases to prove completely different points. Maddening.

"I wish they would 'eliminate' the entire Supreme Court and replace them with robots!! Robots who are incapable of personal bias!!! Totally rational!!! Like Data from Star Trek TNG!!!!"

I yelled.

Ryan yelled back:

"Skynet became sentient in 1997... No way. T-1000's, dude."

(Doogie Howser moment)

I then realized the error of my thinking -- If we elect an all-robot Supreme Court, their first mission will be to usurp total control of the federal government and systematically dismantle our way of life.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know the machines like I know the machines... They're heartless killing machines, with no soul, no remorse. And they won't stop coming after you, ever. They'll keep going, clawing, gnawing, doing whatever they have to do to get to you. They will NEVER stop, John, NEVER. Do you know what it's like, being the only one who knows how the world will end? Do you? Do you really want to?

10:07 PM, February 15, 2006  

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