Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Put me in, Coach...

Finally! I'm halfway through law school and we've finally arrived at a topic that I know and love.

Tomorrow in Freedom of Speech we'll be discussing Herceg v. Hustler Magazine -- a free speech case that's got a autoerotic asphyxiation all up in it. Yes. The most common cause of death among college hockey players.

I love school. Hopefully we'll talk about The Choking Game next week. I once saw an episode of Oprah about it, so I think I've reached "expert" level on that subject as well.

Did you know that the "G." in John G. Roberts stands for "Glover"?! I know. He doesn't even resemble that dude from Lethal Weapon.

Blue Note.
Doors at 7:00.

You got to chug it!


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