Monday, April 23, 2007

"Garfield is known for hating Mondays despite the fact that he has no job."

The above quote is from the Wiki article about Mondays. I thought this was the most important take-away point from the entire page. In celebration of that lasagne-loving cat, a Monday afternoon short list:

1) Remember those ladies who used to ask you to do surveys at the mall? I suppose the internet made them obsolete, but they'll always have a special place in my heart (mainly because my heart is eternally devoted to 1980's marketing ploys and tv sitcoms). They carried around clip boards and would hassle you while you strolled around the mall. Unlike most people, ten-year-old me thought these survey ladies were awesome, so I always tried to talk my mom into agreeing to take the surveys. The one time she finally broke down and did the survey, I was lucky enough to tag along and commit the entire experience to vivid memory. They led mom and I into a little room in the back of the mall. We had to watch five trailors for the third installment of "Alien" and tell which ones were our favorites. I felt like we were in on a big secret. Years later, I discovered to my dismay that Aliens 3 actually sucked. Big time sucked.

2) This made me laugh.

3) Today in the Trib, they ran a story about a 19 year old college student who hit by a drunk driver and died over the weekend. It was one of those typically depressing stories about what a good person she was, but her dad said something that creeped me out: "My daughter was the epitome of innocence." Please dad, if I die prematurely, don't tell people I was the epitome of innocence. I would be totally embarrassed... from BEYOND THE GRAVE!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! I hate RadioShack. I linked to your blog on mine in explaining how it originally made my shit list.

Thanks for the laugh!

8:12 PM, April 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! Your explanation is much better than the one they gave me, which also involved a bunch of boxes, as in, we must have stacked a bunch of sh*t on your laptop. Sorry.

This is a wordpress design that my buddy-tech-whiz Jake picked out when he set this blog up for me. I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to tweak it.


8:43 AM, April 25, 2007  
Blogger Horus said...

I haven't been in a Radioshack in ages. The Onion article was hilarious and really, you have to wonder, how DO they stay in business?

Another really entertaining website is

If you can find it on their page you should read one story called, "Look at my striped shirt!" and another one called "You can't plinko for shit, you dumb whore!"

I think they are listed on the fromt page under "best all time stories" or something like that.

8:00 PM, April 29, 2007  
Blogger Horus said...

I swear I thought I saw you in Des Moines in a bar called Coony's.

7:37 AM, May 23, 2007  
Blogger Julia said...

If there is a bar called "Coony's" somewhere in the world, I'm there in spirit.

Sadly, the longest I've been able to bask in the glow of Iowa was the time our family from from Kansas City to Minneapolis. The mile markers in Iowa just kept going up and up and up and up... I wanted to jump out of the minivan.

9:16 AM, May 28, 2007  
Blogger Julia said...

drove from. from from. hahaa... from from.

9:17 AM, May 28, 2007  

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