Saturday, March 11, 2006's a kickin' on the floor

Q: You know why Dirty Dancing will never cease to fascinate ladies and make them fall in love with it forever and watch it every damned time it plays on Oxygen at eleven o'clock on a Saturday night?

A: Because it is a coming-of-age tale about a young woman. and it's honest. and it shows how painful it can be to love someone as... skeezy... as Johnny Castle.

She's like the wind, dude.

Seriously, how many really memorable coming-of-age movies have been made in the past 20 years that actually show what it feels like to blossom into a sexy mankiller fuckfest seductress?


and I starred in two of them

but everyone thought I was 18.

Here's what I could come up with in the time it took you to contain the erection:

Ghost World (but it was kind of ambiguous)
Blue Crush (she totally fucked that guy that she met in the hotel who played professional sports!)
Clueless (Cher definitely fucked her half-brother. Dionne did it first so she had no choice)

That's about it. None of that Jane Austen bullshit either, like good movies written by alive people... (oh yeah - Clueless was written by an alive person who was completely ripping off Emma, but that is beside the point)

You're stumped, aren't you?

What am I missing? (No. Crossroads doesn't count because of the obvious star vehicle quality of it... and Molly Ringwald never actually "got it stuck to her" in any of her teen movies...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't your boyfriend fix the email server? I have EMAIL to send!

1:59 PM, March 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get your loved ones (Battle Cat & Dr. Baby) and your pet (Ryan) to safety immediately!

3:06 PM, March 12, 2006  
Blogger Julia said...

Doppler Dave! Storm broke our window!!!!

I'll show you..

3:56 PM, March 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to fix the email server, but the guys who actually run the server kept sayin, "Don't pee on the hard drives, Ryan," and "You don't have to jam screwdrivers into the fan, Ryan."

But I showed them. I SHOWED THEM ALL!

Then Doppler Dave came to fix the server and everyone was all-a-happy! YAY! FOR SCIENCE!

5:52 PM, March 12, 2006  

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