Saturday, May 06, 2006

Maybe it's because he's so alone

We're watching Punch-Drunk Love right now. At my behest, but I'm too ADHD to pay it my undivided attention. So I go online. But I've grown bored with the available passive viewing material and have to make up my own. Yeah. I need to stop it with this school bullshit. I need to tap dance in the pudding aisle of a grocery store while wearing a crayon blue suit. Or completely destroy the men's bathroom at an upscale restaurant... lovely...


Barry: I'm lookin' at your face and I just wanna smash it. I just wanna fuckin' smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it. You're so pretty.

Lena: I want to chew your face, and I want to scoop out your eyes and I want to eat them and chew them and suck on them.


Barry: OK. This is funny. This is nice.


Blogger Julia said...

Loves it - ADD or ADHD "ers" ROCK!

9:36 AM, May 07, 2006  

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