Monday, August 28, 2006

Cinderella, she seems so easy. "It takes one to know one," she smiles... and puts her hands in her back pockets -- Bette Davis style.

I suppose I should post something. Just to keep posting. Keep going. Keep breathing. Keep reading. So sleepy. So tired of this place.

What is this weather we're having here in mid-Missouri, eh? I've been dashing back & forth between school and home today. Trying to decide whether to wear sunglasses or carry my umbrella. So I'm doing both. Right now, actually. Sitting in an empty carrel high on the top floor of the lawberry.

Sidenote: Do you think "lawberries" would taste like bacon and lies? Comments. Comments.

So here I sit. Umbrella open. Sunglasses on. People are starting to stare. Perhaps because I "forgot" to wear pants today. It's the only way to make new friends, you know. I've been to Harpo's. I see how these kids operate. Savages.

I still haven't set up my cable & internet service yet. I called Mediacom on Saturday and sat on hold for 73 minutes [Yes. Over an hour. SEVENTY THREE MINUTES] before hanging up in a huff and calling Jodie. Luckily, Jodie didn't make me listen to dreadfully bland elevator music. I appreciate that about her.

So I'm going to a Cardinals game tomorrow night in the nnnneewwww stadium. NEW STADIUM! I'm going to consume so many $20 beers that I bum-rush the playing field and have to be carted off by security. Look for me on SportsCenter. I'll be the one with the full-color Jeff Weaver tattoo covering my entire back.

So photorealistic! You can see the mad twinkle of meth-induced brilliance in his eyes.


Blogger Katy said...

He looks disgusting. I guess if you are going to be busy trying to make it with that skeezy McSkeez-a-lot you won't be at knitting. Have fun anyway. I'll just knit by myself. Maybe there'll be a creepy guy who likes to make knitted felted bags, too. Sigh.

11:55 AM, August 28, 2006  
Blogger Julia said...

The picture doesn't even do it justice. He looked totally methed out in last night's game. I think he even had open sores on his face, but I couldn't find a full picture of him looking like a skeezer.

Classy classy Cardinals.

2:07 PM, August 28, 2006  

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