Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Boner Jams '06!

My favorite picture the Tribune has ever published:

You can't deny the awesomeness of this photo. Especially since it was taken during a "dress as your favorite character from literature" day at a local elementary school.

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Blogger chris said...

i have an enormous erection right now. (breathes via mouth).

9:30 PM, January 31, 2007  
Blogger Julia said...

But of course -- it's the only natural response for this photo...


Oh snap! Now you gotsta register with the county and go knocking on your new neighbors' doors!

Or enroll in a suburban Phoenix elementary school and pose as a 12 year old boy. Speaking of, did anyone also hear that the "family" of that child molester posing as a 12 year old was actually a bunch of child molesters who were in on the scheme and presented themselves as his uncle & grandfather? These guys need to unionize.

7:23 AM, February 01, 2007  

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