Thursday, March 30, 2006

Cover your balls, 'cause we swing kung fu...

Let me first say, I'm on Spring Break. Granted, my main "Spring Break Oh-Sixxx" activity this year will be getting a facial on Friday (Not that.... but seriously.... if you're interested... $10?). So I'm especially lazy right now. So I'm going to gush about Byron Crawford again.

He wrote this brilliant piece today about hipsters targeting black women as the new "ironic" sexual partner. Fucking great. If you still want to know why I love him, check this shit out from the Comments page:

"Bol, why do you seem to never know what you're talking about."
Posted by: howthe fuck doesthis idiothavea blog | Mar 29, 2006 6:31:05 PM

"^Because you didn't go to a very good school."
Posted by: Bol | Mar 29, 2006 6:46:24 PM

love it.

I'm buying a button. It will be the perfect addition to that damned perfect bag of mine.


i will be your screech and crash if you will be my crutch and cast

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Singing my song so nice sounding like you do

Oh man. I forgot to post this yesterday. Seriously. This was sent out to the entire law school...


From: Smith, Kathy (Law)
Sent: Fri 3/24/2006 3:16 PM
Subject: Lost & Found Items

Hi all,

Just turned into the Lost and Found in the Administrative Office of the Law Library were two items found in the Comuter Lab:

1) Silver (man's) wedding band with an inscription inside the band
2) Cell phone: AT&T Wireless carrier

If these items belong to you, please stop by by 4:15 this afternoon and retrieve your items.


A wedding band?! Are law students really this morally corrupt?

Whose do you think it was? Highlander?

I sure hope so!

mark your calendars.
national carrel revenge & auto appreciation day.

Friday, March 24, 2006

The Man is on Spring Break

Spring Break Special. 4 cats for the price of your sanity.

Top 5 Movies That Define Me - Have you seen them? Oh! You really should - Spring Break Oh-Sixxx

{presented in chronological order}

1. Mad Max : Beyond Thunderdome -- the movie that deeply impacted my early childhood and shaped my outlook on post-apocolyptic desert warfare. Aunty Entity tells it like it is. Bust a deal - face the wheel. How can you argue with that?
2. Slumber Party Massacre II -- I just subjected Erin, Sarah & Ryan to this tonight. They were visibly moved by the harrowing tale of Crystal Bernard & her Virginity vs. The Drilla Killa. I first fell in love with this art film gone wrong when Amy & I rented it for a slumber party in 7th grade. We hoped there would be nudity in it. We had no idea how poignant it would be. Also it's directed by a lady, so that makes extra less sense.
3. The Ice Storm -- I watch this every year when winter first sets in. Its a little compulsive, but strangely comforting. Ang Lee makes the darkest, treacherous winter storm look ethereal. Gorgeous.
4. Ghost World -- This didn't come out until I was in undergrad, but it embodied everything I pretended to want to be in high school. [oh man. i think that sentence actually worked. they have no idea that my grasp on basic grammar is at a 5th grade level!] I even have the graphic novel that the movie was based on. And an Enid doll. I also looked exactly like Thora Birch in this movie for quite awhile, so that adds an extra element of Julia-esque creepiness.
5. Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle -- I will never EVER tire of watching this movie. The most intelligent stoner comedy I've seen. The commentary on race was astute. Harold was dreamy. Doogie Howser & that cop from SVU were in it. 'Nuff said.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wowee Zowee!!

I looooves me a good SCOTUS cat fight.

Byron Crawford did a lovely song-by-song review of the new Prince album.

Time to wash myself with a rag on a stick.

So listen to the radio
Smoke a cigarette
Same old thing, yeah you know, eveybody does it

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Are you more than hot for me? Or am I a page in your history-book?

Okay, people. It's time to talk. I know you're out there. Reading this. Reveling in this. Maybe alone. Maybe not wearing any pants... Wait. I have something important to address. WTF is with the lack of comments? I post these posts so's we can...

Wait. oh my god. I'm watching the South Park episode that was new tonight. You remember that Isaac Hayes left South Park due to his crazy cult membership, so tonight this episode parodied his sudden departure. Oh my god. Chef left to join an "adventure group" and returned, but when he came back, they just played old snippets from past episodes as his dialogue. He's acting like a robot pedophile. This is completely insane. He keeps propositioning the children -- for example -- "how would you like to sodomize my black ass?" All snippets from other episodes.

Anyways -- post more comments. Comments make me happy. Usually.

My grandparents got a computer a few years ago. Now my Pa-Pa surfs the internet all day and emails me .gifs at the bottom of his emails with (hopefully) unintentionally racist moving graphics.

Do you think he has read my blog? No. He would probably be devastated if he did. All the cussing. And the boozing. And the gambling. And the leftiness. I wonder how my Googling skillz compare to those of a septuagenarian... Do you think he would beat me in a Google-Off?? IF YOU'RE READING THIS, PA-PA, I CHALLENGE YOU TO A GOOGLE-OFF!!! A GOOOOOGLE OFFFF!!!

Russell Crowe's horrible band is playing a hoooorrible bluesy-rock song on a Jay Leno re-run right now. I have to go. Watching his is making me ill. He just crooned the verse-- "wash these bloody hands of mine / take me down to the river / let me testify / testify / testify." Holy fuck. This new band is called "The Ordinary Fear of God." They sing religious rockabilly shit.

This South Park episode is definitely strange.

Pity. He would have made an excellent child molester.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

We have WITNESSES...

So tonight we managed to watch Scrubs. I know. It wasn't a terribly amazing feat, but it's the first time I've seen that show two weeks straight since it first came on. Now that you know all the facts, I think you can agree with me. Good job, Aunty Entity! Good job.

Anyway, we were watching Scrubs. There was a surgery scene where the kid from Clueless who plays a doctor on the show was talking to his nurse/fiancee in the operating room. She was trying to help him out with a surgery for the first time, and accidentally called him "Baby." He gave her a dirty look for calling him 'baby' so SHE said... "Oh. Excuse me. DOCTOR BABY!!!!!!!!"


I think that makes my day better. DOCTOR BABY.

Erin is studying for her Espanol test. Here is a cartoon she just now doctored up (click to enlarge):

Mexican: "Let me make some money & send it to my family!"
Minute Man: "OK, but only in domestic labour, construction, or factory work."

ZING!!!!!! Lou Dobbs would be proud of us.

Domestic labour? Girl you British?

Right now you make no sense to meeee-oooooOOHHH

So apparently, marrying 1st cousins is a bad thing. I respect the fact that this has been Bedouin tradition for centuries, but come on. Debilitating genetic disease is what happens when family members marry! Fuck!

If you couldn't tell from my complete insensitivity to a suffering people, I am in a BAAAAD mood today.

Maybe it's the weather. Maybe finals. Maybe 2 huge papers due on April 4th & April 14th. Maybe the fact that everyone is sick. Hahhaa.. Wells just said "fuck." Wyatt is talking in class right now. I'm typing. Being rude. Not paying attention to a damn thing going on today. Is there anything good on TV tonight? Goddamn. It's only TUESDAY! TUESDAY?!?

Some dude's chair just broke in class. Never fails to be hilarious. Man, I could be in a pit of depression with a knife to my chest, but chairs collapsing under the weight of a person will ALWAYS be funny. Always.

Kevin has wires sticking out of his shirt. Why? Cyborg? No. I-Pod. I always assume "cyborg."

My brain is a blank.

Monday, March 20, 2006

She is the queen of a canceled Pasadena thrill...

Lazy Monday. Wake up in the mid-afternoon. Well. Not really. More like 7:00 am, but it's all the same anyway. I floated around today. Not in a good, floating-because-I'm-happy way, but an I-drank-beer-all-weekend-and-now-I'm-bloated kind of way.

Law school atmosphere seems to be turning. I can't stand the air of panic and desperation that comes when finals loom. Creepy. All these damned law school kids drink is beer and coffee. Beer and coffee. Most of them smell terrible around this time (come on, you know its true), but today I was sitting in my study carrel -- dicking around on the internets (did you think i was studying? Lazy Monday, dude...) when someone walked past me. They smelled like soap, sandalwood, and some kind of high end cologne (or maybe that was Downy). Anyway, when this person (who I didn't even look up to see) walked by, they left that lingering, clean person scent. I fucking loved it! I was looking all around, trying to figure out who smelled nice (for some reason - but what was I going to do if I actually found the person?). No avail. I went downstairs to the elevator lounge and it reeked of Pizza Hut cheese sticks. Then I went into class and the ENTIRE room was filled with a vomitous mix of flop sweat and McDonald's Fish Filet sandwiches (or is that Filet-O-Fish? Don't ask me. I'm not one of those people).

I got bored in class today and decided to renew my loathing of Ayn Rand by reading Wikipedia's article on her. I've always known that she was a sociopathic capitalist pig, but I had no idea until today that she hate hate hated gay people! Lovely! Her basic "philosophy" of life makes my skin crawl. Does that mean I'm a filthy lesbian commie? I sure hope so!!

C-Notes for ALL!!

So guess what this is.... did you guess it? My 100th post! I know. We've come a long way together. Me writing about my day. You reading about my day. Me toiling away here at the computer for hours upon hours. You in your underwear -- sitting in front of that "community computer" at the group home. Me filing a restraining order. You carving a butter sculpture of my face.

Man. This weekend. Where to even start? Most importantly, I need to name this weekend's Employee of the Month. In the past three days, this person has endured NCAA discrimination by way of CBS, an onslaught of toothless bar patrons looking to get in her "kimono," and an easy lover who just wouldn't quit. Yes, Stephanie Wan. You are this weekend's stand-out lady. We salute you.

Today at school, Stephanie will be presented with a polished oak plaque bearing her name, measurements, and social security number. This honor will open up a million doors for Steph. Maybe the AG's office will finally take notice of her...

Landlord should be here any minute. He's ffffiinnaallly going to fix that damned window. Finally.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Check out those sexy foxes! At the BLSA Scholarship Event last week. Before we got drrrruuuunk..

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I like my beats hard like 2 day old shit

Wow. So Jerry is this guy who comes around our house every few months when he needs money. He does yardwork, hangs christmas lights, etc... When he came by today, I was lounging on the porch in a semi-haze and offered him a beer. We sat on the porch and talked for way too long. Picture it. Sicily. A black 50 year-old "St. Louis mafia" veteran and a 24 year-old white chick law student. Holy fuck.

We had a great talk, but I noticed something that has been driving me crazy lately. What is with all this advice? My aunt called me a few days ago and was spouting advice like... a garden hose... full of advice...

Why do adults I keep talking to simply pour advice all over me? Why can't they just engage me in conversation without imparting on me all of their "wisdoms"?

My Aunt's Advice - A Summary:
1. Be true to yourself.
2. People in love are stupid.
3. You should go to the hospital when you feel bad.
4. Cancer will kill you if it has the chance.

Jerry's Advice - A Summary:
1. Be true to yourself.
2. Condoms are unnecessary as long as you don't have sex with filthy people.
3. People from Kansas City and people from St. Louis hate each other. Don't try to deny or change that.
4. Jefferson City is filled with racists.
5. If you have to kill a motherfucker, you have to kill a motherfucker. However, if that motherfucker is a teenage kid, ask if you can speak to their father first so you can tell them that their kid is going to get killed.

Who would you listen to? I'm putting my money on Jerry.

Monday, March 13, 2006

my secret shame

Um... I just dropped my cigarette in the fryer... what? do you want me to get it out with this?... it's my first day... can I have an onion ring?

[post script: i was digging around on the internets later tonight and I found the tidbit below...]

This is why I am never EVER to be called "Julie." Ever.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dear Doppler Dave -- Why did God smash our window?

So I'm lounging around all day. Doing some laundry. Chatting with Chris while stealing his music. [sidenote: Since the man has his finger on the pulse of regional politics, Chris discovered a new up & coming candidate -- someone they will soon be calling "Missouri's White Barak Obama." You should really donate some money to this candidacy. Chief's gotta spring his lady out of jail.]

Everything seemed fine... until Doppler Dave comes on the TV and tells me to be scared. Once again, the liberal media was trying to destroy our way of life through their sirens, Tornado Watches, and moving weather maps.

Ryan and I didn't buy into the hype until the golf-ball sized hail started smashing our house. We ran to the basement and hid amongst the spiders and ghosts until everything quieted down. We emerged unscathed, but God wanted to remind us just how much he hates our living in sin. The roof of my car & the hood of Ryan's smog-maker are both dented up. Also we have a HOLE in our guest room window. Thanks alot, science.

Yesterday's hail should have tipped us off to the fact that God hates us.

Check out the damage!

Ryan gets to work fixing that shit up.

Meanwhile, I stand around making the ugliest "scared country bumpkin" face I can. Why do I look like Catherine Keener's retarded sister?

Dr. Baby stands guard over the broken window.

Saturday, March 11, 2006's a kickin' on the floor

Q: You know why Dirty Dancing will never cease to fascinate ladies and make them fall in love with it forever and watch it every damned time it plays on Oxygen at eleven o'clock on a Saturday night?

A: Because it is a coming-of-age tale about a young woman. and it's honest. and it shows how painful it can be to love someone as... skeezy... as Johnny Castle.

She's like the wind, dude.

Seriously, how many really memorable coming-of-age movies have been made in the past 20 years that actually show what it feels like to blossom into a sexy mankiller fuckfest seductress?


and I starred in two of them

but everyone thought I was 18.

Here's what I could come up with in the time it took you to contain the erection:

Ghost World (but it was kind of ambiguous)
Blue Crush (she totally fucked that guy that she met in the hotel who played professional sports!)
Clueless (Cher definitely fucked her half-brother. Dionne did it first so she had no choice)

That's about it. None of that Jane Austen bullshit either, like good movies written by alive people... (oh yeah - Clueless was written by an alive person who was completely ripping off Emma, but that is beside the point)

You're stumped, aren't you?

What am I missing? (No. Crossroads doesn't count because of the obvious star vehicle quality of it... and Molly Ringwald never actually "got it stuck to her" in any of her teen movies...)

Pure Shit -- The Formula

Here's the recipe:

1 part White Stripes


1 part Strokes

The Arctic Fuckin' Monkeys.

Dude, they just played on Saturday Night Live. I was annoyed by them before the lyrics even came into play. What a bunch of horse shit. Seriously. Total buzzkill. Totally.


You gots to read this!!

Oh man Oh man... Erin made us watch this. It's a video. So don't open it in Esbeck's class. He hates when you keep it real...

Natalie Portman, we salute you.

Before today, Erin & I have never been so well-represented in Digital Short form.

ps on Esbeck -- Did anyone else hear the rumor that he's not teaching Con Law next year? Has he been summoned up to the judicial heavens by god himself? (Definitely not herself. We're talkin' Esbeck) Seriously though, I'm curious. Do you think his performance in our last semester with him had anything to do with it?

Did she just call him 'Carl'?

Yes. Yes I did.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Masked NAMBLAr will Steal Your Innocence!!!


Our hero swoops down from the heavens.
"Follow me into the mysterious world of masked man / boy love..."
Wearing a bold mask to conceal his cunning.
His goatee the ultimate conflicted superhero finishing touch.

If Japanese people didn't know what haikus were -- they would call this a "haiku."

Oh FUCK! Conan's Finland Special has been on for 25 minutes!!!! Damn my foggy brain.

I'll blame Battlecat for this... somehow...

We watched Thumbsucker tonight. I was conflicted about it, but I ultimately enjoyed it. Vincent D'Onofrio was worth every minute of frustration. His character was mind-blowing. So multi-dimensional. Brought us to tears. ["us" = ryan cried too = i always told you he was a pussy at heart] [glenn, keep your mitts off of him]

Sandra Day said whhhaaa??!

Woo wooo!!! Amy Sullivan has brightened my day.

My cautious faith is (somewhat) renewed in ol' Ironsides O'Connor.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Again! Again!

All fucking day long! This stupid chorus from this stupid Fiona Apple song has been replaying in my stupid head... over and over and over again. Every quiet moment I've had today. This is the first time in many years that one single chorus has haunted me so much. Maybe I'm crazy? I thought listening to the song would make it go away, but I've listened to the damned thing six times in a row. I sing the chorus even when Fiona sings the lyrics. Driving. Me. Insane. I thought writing about it would help, but now I just want to listen to it...

Oh you silly stupid pastime of mine
You were always good for a rhyme
And from the first, to the last time, the signs
Said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started
They said 'Stop' - but we went on whole-hearted
It ended bad, but I love what we started

Also, in a futile attempt to stop this revolving song, I just listened to Extraordinary Machine in its entirety (heard it again for the first time, if you will -- long enough to have preferences for certain tracks).
Good songs: Parting Gift, Not About Love (and Zach Galifianakis is in the video!!! swooon), Extraordinary Machine
Okay songs: Waltz [Better than Fine] (I haven't heard the John Brion-produced version, but I'm sure this is a rip-off of something he did), Red Red Red, Please Please Please (goddamned catchy)
Bad song: Window (this one sounds like an accident)

ps - Paper Bag will still be her best song. Forever. foreva' eva'?


a snippet from my mental newspaper...

Wanted - Personal Assistant

Up & coming legal hotshot seeks a dedicated personal assistant. No pay. The universal truth & wisdom I will impart in you will be more than enough psychic payment. Must be available 24 hours a day, 8 days a week. Must enjoy puns, quips, sarcastic scoffs. Must carry all of my shit to school every morning. Must keep me on track. Must buy me good bottled water -- none of that Dasani crap.

Send further inquiries to:

J. Breezy, future esq.
420 Oh My Fucking God I can't stand being in law school any longer
Columbia, MO

Republicans need not apply. I'm serious. Don't write me. Don't invite me to church {C-c-c-caaanyon}.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

We move like cagey tigers -- We couldn't get closer than this

So tonight was the Gay Kids Talent Show to benefit the Jerry Lewis Foundation. It really was touching. I vomitted in my mouth a few times -- and I wasn't even drinking.

Ben & Ted were incredamazing {"incredamazing"?! I just made up my first word!!} [pause for edit - I didn't make up the word. I found it "about 36 times" in a google search.] (Bastards)

I took pictures of every single act. Not because I wanted to, but because Sarah was paying me $10 per photo {riiiight?}. I have a contract for the "spread" (as we in the photo world call it) with Sarah's signature on it, so I think I win.

My hometown hero lost big tonight. Santino took 3rd in the final run, but everyone is in agreement that his line was a million times better than Daniel V's. I'm not surprised at the loss, however. St. Charles breeds nothing but disappointment and shattered dreams. That's what my tattoo says, at least.

Time to SLEEE-EE-SLizEEPPPppp!!!111???

I think I owe Stephanie $5.
I told her that there was no way in hell Chloe would win.

Those Asian girls knows whats up!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride...

Monday Pop Quiz

1. Do you ever wake up in the morning and realize that you're walking around the house singing Praise Tape songs you used to listen to when you were five years old?
"I can. Oh yes I can. I can do alll thiiings through Jesus... WTF?! Where am I? 8:00 am? WTF?!"

2. Do you think Digital Underground should have done the "TURTLE Power" rap from Ninja Turtles 1? Here are the lyrics. Imagine them done in Humpty's voice... Much better than "Partnerz in Kryme."

3. How many inappropriate teacher-student relationships do you think were spawned by the Police song "Don't Stand So Close to Me"? 300? 3,000?

4. Did you think Jon Stewart was awesome-amazing-hilarious last night? Because he was. Don't let the papers tell you otherwise. His jokes took direct aim at Hollywood, and his only mistake was telling the jokes in front of Hollywood. Hollywood wasn't amused.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

live long, save ten years to remember...

BLSA Banquet is in 5 hours. I'm supposed to work on my outlines for two hours. I still have time, right? Ryan & I went shopping shopping shopping last night for my damned dress. He was incredible. At Ann Taylor Loft, husbands were sitting outside of the dressing room, grumpy, complaining -- while Ryan scoured the racks and found perfect things that even the salesperson didn't know existed. Take THAT, moderately-priced retailer! I've still got Top 5 Fever...

The Man - Top 5 - BLSA/Superb Procrastination Edition
[who's keeping me down today?]

1. Dillard's - So I found the perrrrfeck dress there. Of course, it was still at Dillard's, so there had to be a number of things that went wrong. I found the dress on a clearance rack. $40.00 reduced from $160.00. The dress was so perfect that I honestly would have paid full price for it. Brown satin, knee-length, perfectly fitted around the waist, super plunging neckline WITH a beaded gold band running along the neck. Deliciously throwback, but a) the seam at the bottom of the zipper was coming undone, b) the dressing room looked like a subway restroom, and c) the dress was waayy to formal for the BLSA banquet. So Dillard's perfect dress forced me to buy a lame-o knit shrug to wear over it. Had to dress it down a little. Don't want to blow everyone's mind too quickly. Thanks a lot Dillard's. Oh, I also got 10% off the $40 when I complained about the zipper and the saleslady showed me how to sew it up myself.
2. Tom Ford - Former top designer for Gucci, bane of Erin's existence, recently came out with an updated version of Youth Dew (the classic Estee Lauder perfume that EVERYONE's grandma wore. Everyone). Youth Dew Amber Nude was released in December and I absolutely looove it. However, every time I wear it, I feel like a sexy grandmother. Or Mrs. Robinson. Thanks for making me conjur up images of naked elderly women in my head, Tom Ford.
3. Dr. Baby & the Bush Administration - because Dr. just tricked me into feeding him twice. Sneaky. Just like Bush tricked me into voting for him... TWICE! {note: I just threw up in my mouth}
4. Diplo - His sweet remixes and masterful use of Nintendo sounds have haunted my dreams for days now. Please, Diplo, call off the troops. My brain is overloaded... but I love it...
5. Menses - In keeping with the whole 60's glam throwback look for tonight, I'll have to wear one of those creepy menstrual belts. Believe me, it will complete the look.

Oh! PS on the "look" - I just bought Walter Wanderley's Rain Forest on I-Tunes. Brilliant. Listen to a few of the tracks... Did you do it yet?... I know! It's that distinctive Brazilian organ samba music you hear at the dollar theatre!! Love that. Tell me if you want me to burn you a copy of it. Wanderley died in 1986, so I don't think he'll mind.

There are very many places
I would like to go,
but I can't find the key
to open my door.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Who's the Man?

Sitting in class today, I wrote this in my notes:

"Labels don’t mean shit if they don’t gel wit the rules."

Terrible! I was almost embarrassed when I re-read it. I'm sure I should strive to write something more eloquent, but I'm keeping it like that. It's my own little "fuck you" to The Man.

Speaking of...

When I was in middle school, I used to write "Top 5 Crush" lists in every entry of my diary. Top crushes for that day were ranked higher, lesser crushes were properly placed. Of course it changed every day. Time for the Top 5 to make its grand return...

"The Man" Top 5 for March 2nd
[a.k.a. people/cable tv channels who are keeping me down]

1. Jason Crowell - Republican douche state senator who just proposed a bill identical to South Dakota's ban on abortion.
2. Ted Norwood - because he said the phrase "blacks & women," like, six times today in Free Speech. Team Freedom Eagle is NOT represented by the Man!
3. The Bravo! Channel - instead of showing a big 2 hour finale for Project Runway, they decided to drag it out over two weeks. Motherfuckers.
4. Dean Dessem - for failing to implement the Night School Law School classes I requested a few weeks ago on this site. I know you're still reading this, Dessem. Why are you ignoring my demands?!
5. Ryan Woodsmall - because he's in the shower right now and I have to pee. Badly.

sidenote: The Bush Administration is always tops in their status as The Man, but they're represented today by their little buddy, Jason Crowell.

Have you heard the new splash?

So Kanye West was right. Bush really doesn't care about black people. I would laugh if it wasn't so painfully true.

Oh yeah! Also this. Check out the analysis at the bottom of the page. Yep. Guess who gets the shaft again...

I'm sick of it.
This shit is too much.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

We all drive.... killer cars...

Listening to old Radiohead is like a pacifier for me.

So last evening, Jesse, Ryan & I were Wheel Watching (as usual). We were singing the "I'm a Wheel Watcher" song and then it came to me by way of divine intervention... We must form a Wheel of Fortune Group on Facebook. So I log on to that damned social networking site and do a quick search for Wheel Watcher groups (just to make sure), when one comes up. Devastation. Momentary, but devastation nonetheless. I then notice how lame it is and decide that those people must be imposters. They didn't seem to have the huevos mas grandes like we do. We could wipe the floor of the Fort Lauderdale Convention Center with those chumps!

[sidenote - it saddens me that people don't use the word "chump" enough]

So we pulled a "Real Ghostbusters" and started our own. The ORIGINAL Wheel Watchers Group. It is supremely awesome. If you're not yet a member, you must join. Officer status will be granted. Wheels will be watched.

BLSA Banquet on Saturday. Everyone should go. Royce is going to be there and he is going to be drinking. You don't want Royce to make you look like a no-fun-having CHUMP, do you?!